
JSP Information

Youtube Reports

The following youtube videos are for delegators.

JSP Pool Informations

The JSP pool information and generation block information in this epoch are as shown in the table below.

Delegation8.7M ADA
Epoch Fee340 ADA
Variable Fee0%
Pre-Allocated Generated Blocks (Expected value)7(8.01)
Luck Index87.39%
Generation Blocks<comming soon>
Block Generation Success Probability<comming soon>
ROS<comming soon>
Pool information and generation block information in this epoch

Cardano News

The Cardano community has the opportunity to vote for their favorite projects. The voting period runs from August 31st to September 14th, with results expected to be announced around September 21st. Details can be found on the Project Catalyst website. Additionally, Ripple (XRP) has entered the Indian market, partnering with India’s Yes Bank to offer interoperability with UPI in the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) CBDC app, increasing the likelihood of involvement in India’s CBDC project. ADA’s price has formed a bear market with an Elliot Wave Triangle, needing to surpass the July high of 38.5 cents for an upward trend. Currently, there’s a likelihood of moving towards the 30 to 34 cent price range, but predictions are uncertain. ADA’s price is consolidating, with attention on an upward breakout indicating a new corrective A-wave.

Announcement from SPO

<comming soon>


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