
JSP Information

Youtube Reports

The following youtube videos are for delegators.

JSP Pool Informations

The JSP pool information and generation block information in this epoch are as shown in the table below.

Delegation8.7M ADA
Epoch Fee340 ADA
Variable Fee0%
Pre-Allocated Generated Blocks (Expected value)9(8.19)
Luck Index109.89%
Generation Blocks9
Block Generation Success Probability100%
ROS<comming soon>
Pool information and generation block information in this epoch

Cardano News

The Cardano network frequently undergoes backend improvements, with the Performance and Trace teams working on benchmarking for version node 8.2.1 and successfully reducing memory usage. The LACE team has focused on bug fixes and testing custom liquidity pools, leading to an increase in new projects. Meanwhile, Ripple’s legal battle with the SEC is prolonging, suggesting potential XRP price surges. ADA’s price is currently tracking an Elliott wave triangle, requiring a rise beyond 38 cents for an upward trend, but it is currently in a downward trajectory.

Announcement from SPO

We are running stably and block generation is proceeding according to schedule.


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